The past decade, I have become fascinated with making my own items. I crave the unique and not mass produced. I have taken carving classes, metalsmithing training, I became certified in using PMC, precious metal clay, a surface design class and the list could go on and on. Creating my own items makes me so happy. In one of my courses I made a turquoise focal bead. It too me absolutely forever to make the bead, shape it into a perfect lentil and get it polished. In the end I am very proud of my bead. I also really liked the shape and wanted to make more of the shape. That is when I decided to make my own mold of my piece. I am using a product called Amazing Mold Putty by Alumilite. Below are step by step photos on how to make your own mold. It is really easy and really fun. I went through a container of it two years ago when I decided I wanted to make my own texture sheets for stamping and clay. Those pieces will come later.
You now have a mold of the object and can recreate as many of them as you would like using all kinds of mediums. Part two of this project will show how to make a pendant using resin and Pinata Alcohol inks. You can also use these molds for clay, paper clay. They are oven safe and can also be used in making molds with food. Only use food items in the molds you intend to use in foods. No cross contamination.
Very cool!!
Wonderfufl tutorial! I’m looking forward to seeing the piece that you make from your mold.