A peacock tutu tutorial: Make a no sew peacock tutu for your little girl or ballerina in the making. I personally have a passion for peacocks and when my daughter said she wanted to go as a fluffy tutu dancer for halloween I knew I could surely come up a costume. I decided on the peacock. Not only I will love the costume and she will completely enjoy it. I went to search for tulle and I could not find the colors I wanted so I dyed the tulle in the colors I wanted. Cover everything and take extra precautions when you are dying. It can get really messy.
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Materials for No Sew Peackock Tutu Tutorial:
- 2 inch crochet head band
- scissors
- 6 inch strips about 40 yards
- teal, aqua and evening blue dye
- one flower to match the colors in the tutu
- one tank top dyed with a color used in the tutu
- paper towel roll to use as a form.
Update 2014:Tulle is now available in most big box stores on rolls in tons of colors. Skip the dye step and purchase them. SOOOO much quicker.
To dye the tulle for the peacock tutu:
- Use the colors of your choice and place it in the the hottest water available. Let is soak for at least a half hour. Rinse in cool water and hand on a line to dry. Make sure you do it over grass or us a drop cloth to catch the drips.
- Cut the tulle into 6 inch strips that are 18 inches long
- Stretch the headband around a full roll of paper towels. This will serve as your form.
- Tie the tulle strips on the headband holes using every other one. On the first knot I used one layer of tulle. Then I decided to go even fluffier and an I layered 2-3 strips of tulle together. That is what gives you the super fluffiness.
The peacock tutu tutorial takes about an hour if you are making it super fluffy. A less fluffy tutu can be made in half the time.
Instructions for Super Fluffy Peacock Tutu :
I started with one strand of tulle for the first couple of loops and I KNEW it was not going to be super fluffy like I wanted. Ummm, like Gigi wanted. SO, I double and then I quadrupled the strands. That is right I used 4 strands 6×18. Going for the supper fluffiest of all tutus ever made. EVER!
I used the roll of paper towels to keep everything uniform and to hold it during the process. I could only work during naps and daddy was out of town the week I made it. SO, this momma simply made do. Trim strands that are too long.
To dye the tank top, use one of the colors used to dye the tulle. Rinse it in cool water then wash according to manufacturer directions.
I will show how to make the Peacock Mardi gras style mask in another post later this week. To finish off the tutu and tank top I added a flower purchased already dyed and glittered and on clearance.
The side view of the peacock tutu.
And one last peacock tutu picture for your entertainment.
Additional tutu tutorials:
Learn how to make a Peacock mask Mardi Gras Style.
If you would like to make a Mermaid Tutu Tutorial click Here
Make a no sew or easy sew unicorn costume from leggings and a hoodie

Talk about fluffy! That’s the best ballerina tutu I’ve ever seen (not at all because I hate pink lol). Your daughter looks like shes having a ton of fun too
So adorable. I wish I was young enough to have one. Great idea on the hairband to make to fuller.
So cute! Love the hairband idea… I’m sure my teenage daughter will want one, lol!
love this and thinking about giving this a shot for christmas pictures not sure i understand how to double it up and make it that super fluffy but going to give it a shot
Deanna, Layer 2-3 strips of the tulle when you knot it on to the hair band. I hope you share a picture. 🙂
I am going to buy everything today. I always love these skirts and finally had a little girl so I can’t wait to do one. I might become addicted lol
This is so great. Did you do knots just around one row of the crochet headband or did you fill every row of the headband? Curious how many rolls of tulle this would take, too. Nevertheless, this is super fun and maybe what I’ll do for my niece for Christmas (I mean, ahem, what my 8-year old son who drew her name for Christmas will do for her 🙂 ).
Julie, I’ve worked out the 6×18 is the hairband dimensions… 6 refers to the 2 columns of 3 spaces, then 18 sets of 2 columns – so I’d say yes, fill every space with a knot.
I miraculously found this amazing post (GORGEOUS SUPER FLUFFY TUTU) of your own via google search! It is certainly amazing and I adore the peacock color scheme!
My 8 year old daughter has her class Christmas party at school today and I am literally going to attempt YOUR TUTU design immediately only with a snowflake ❄️ theme (she informed me as she was going to bed last night that she would like to wear something “with snowflakes” for her class party?!!)
I do have a question, please! just to be certain due to (clearly) limited time for trial and error …are you pulling the 18” lengths equally through each hole to tie the knots? or are you using the tule length and with just enough pulled through the holes to tie the knot?
Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂
Equal lengths are what I used.
Wait, I thought the 6×18 was the width and length of the tulle??
Samantha – it is the length and width of the tulle. The head bands are pretty standard in size.
how large a child will the standard size stretchy hairband fit? are larger ones available?
I discovered the hair band in ROLLS like ribbon so it can be cut to size and a quick sew to make a loop. At Hobby Lobby it is in the ribbon section, and on sale when ribbon is on sale!
I want to make one of these for my daughters 1st bday but I think that the standard headband will be too big for her once the knots from the tulle layers are done. Any ideas how to estimate how much I should trim off of the headband? Or maybe, what size was your daughter in when you made this (and maybe I can try to size down from that)?
My daughter was a very slender size 3 in that picture. I would recommend trimming 4 inches off the length of the TULLE. I would guestimate taking off two inches of the crochet headband. If it is a little big you can pin it. This will give her growing room too. Also, I am assuming your daughter is still in a diaper and you will want to leave room.
How much tulle did you have to buy?
I purchased a few yards on the bolt initially. If I were to redo it I would purchase the precut strips on a roll. I would say 5-7 rolls.
How do I cut the tulle? How wide is each strip?
Do you think this same technique would work to make a floor length super fluffy tulle skirt?
Absolutely it would work. Share pictures when you do it.
When you say knot it in 2 or 3 lagers do you mean all in one hole or layer it I. 2 or e up the headband? And you you put it all through the same home in the end or let it be where its at?
I layer the material and then put it through the hole. Atfirst I tried to be really specific about which hole it went in to. Then as I went along I realized it did not matter because it is SO fluffy.
I’m wanting to make this for my three girls for christmas! Your instructions say 40 yards of 6 inch tulle, but was that 40 yards off the bolt that you cut 6″ wide or 40 yards of the pre-cut stuff? Just trying to work out my budget! Thanks!
Save yourself time and effort and buy the precut stuff. It is about 40 yards of the pre-cut. If you dont want them giagantiacally fluffy you can use less. Happy crafting.
This is SUCH a gorgeous tutu, thank you for sharing the tutorial!! I saw this question asked but didn’t quite see an answer… did you do just one “row” around the crochet headband, or did you do multiple rows? (I know you layered multiple tulle strips together when making the loops/knots.) Thank you! I’m planning to make a floor-length version for my 6 year old daughter’s birthday in a few days! 🙂
There are multiple rows around the headband. I would love to see you floor length version, sound beautiful.
Ok thank you – and thanks so much for your prompt response! I am torn between doing it on a band of elastic, or on a crochet headband, but it seems like it can be a lot fuller if it is on a headband. I’ll let you know how it turns out!
Great finding your site.
Thanks, hope you enjoy what you find.