Make an easy sew stenciled log tote for winter. Canvas makes the log tote very sturdy and washable. This wood carrier makes a nice housewarming gift for someone who has a wood-burning fireplace. The canvas tote is nice because it can help to keep your clothes clean when bringing wood from the outside to the inside.
Canvas for the log tote can be purchased at big box stores in the craft section or in the hardware & paint department. If you go to the paint department it is usually cheaper and it is called a drop cloth or painters cloth.
MATERIALS for log tote:
- Canvas, 54”-wide, 1/2 yd.
- Strapping or webbing, 1-1/2”-wide, 3 yds
- Sewing machine and heavy-duty thread
- DecoArt Americana Accessories Stencil Brush Set, sizes 8 and 12
- DecoArt Southern Motif Texture Stencil
- DecoArt So-Soft Fabric Paints: Burnt Sienna, Crimson
- scissors, fabric marker or pencil, newspaper (to cover work surface), straight pins, toothpick
Instructions to make the log tote:
- Square canvas fabric and cut on the fold for two equal pieces of fabric. Remove selvage. Hem edges as canvas will fray easily. Turn under 1/4″ on width of fabric edges. Turn under again to enclose raw edges.
Trim corner to prevent bulk. Use needle position to sew the hem down, sewing as close to free edge as possible. Repeat for all sides.
Position fabric flat so width of fabric is on sides. Mark 2″ in from sides. Fold fabric in half, matching top and bottom, to find center.
Starting at center, lay strapping down and run it towards mark at top edge, down other top marking to centerfold on fabric. Place the fold of webbing on fold of fabric; pin in place. Repeat to bring end of the webbing to starting point, keeping 2″ mark on all edges.
Sew webbing in place by sewing outer edge all way around and then repeat for inner edge. Zigzag stitch over butted ends of webbing and at top of each strap for extra strength.
Position stencil centered in the top section between straps. Gently pounce Crimson in every other opening. Gently pounce Burnt Sienna in unpainted openings. Repeat until the center is completely stenciled. Let dry. (Note: Do not use too much pressure as paint can seep beneath stencil and blur design. Use a toothpick to remove excess paint and liner brush to touch up any areas before dry.)
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