Do you love working with clay? Do you love Silver? Well Precious Metal Clay is the best of both worlds. I had no idea how fun and easy it would be to work with PMC when I first started. Let me tell you it is an addicting medium in which to work. This is one of my very first pieces. It is rather basic piece. But the skill we were learning for this piece was how to carve into the clay with tools. We were learning the “feel” of the clay. My instructor for the class was Terry Kovalcik and his work is simply amazing. You can view it here. His instructional style is awsome as he has you focus on the skill and not on the end result of the piece. Master the skill and the art will come later. If you are into PMC you can view even more pieces here at the Metal Clay Today online magazine. I will be sharing a few more pieces as time goes by and I create more with this fantastic medium.
Thanks for the links. I have not tried the PMC yet and will have to check them out.
Sandy, You do need a kiln with the PMC.