Polymer clay tutorial- polka dot hair pin jewelry by Anke Humpert crafter extraordiniare. Anke brings you adorable polka dot clay hair jewelry and it is fun to make, totally adorable and is a great handmade gift to give. Anke and I worked together on a Design Team for a manufacturer for a few years. I immediately took a liking to her work. It was always so creative and had a special flair. She could see the material in a unique way and take something just average and make it stellar. I was lucky enough to visit Anke at her home in Berlin. She and her gracious family entertained mine one evening. She made the most delicious PUMPKIN LASAGNA. Her recipe was from Jamie Oliver. I could not find a link to it, but the one above looked similar. I hope you enjoy her polymer clay tutorial for hair jewelry and the lasagna recipe.
Free Polymer Clay Tutorial – Jewelry for Hair
The download & PRINTABLE tutorial please click link. –> Polka-Dot-Flower-Pin-AH PDF
Q. What is your favorite Medium?
A. Ohhh, do I have to choose just one? My “problem” is I like so many, that I love to switch! One day I work with paper, the next with polymer clay, then on to art journal and how a bout some sewing and my favourite medium is always the one I am working with at present…
Q. Who has made the biggest impact on your life so far, and why?
A. My kids – well, like with any mother they changed my live style completly! I would never have experience a lot of things without them. They are my biggest impact for sure!
Q. Where would you vacation, if you could go anywhere?
A. I have a long list of places I want to go to and see and one of them that has been on my list like forever is the USA. I still did not manage to get there, but one day I know I will, and see all my friends there!
Q. One interesting fact that our readers might want to know?
A. I am a tutor for CraftEDU, an online art and fine craft university. So where ever you are, you will be able to take classes with me.
Q. Do you work sitting down or standing up?
A. I do a lot of my work sitting, but then there are somethings I need to stand up with ,especially the ones where I need some more power, like drilling, of when I am taking pictures
Q. Imagine you had to decorate a Boeing 727, what do you use?
A. I would create an altered Boeing…with a lot of different materials…;-)
Q. What is in your refrigerator right now?
A. My fridge is packed full!! I have two teenagers at home and everyone in our family has his/ her special wishes. I just changed my own eating habits dramatically, and now we have a bit of everything in there: lots of vegetables, meet and cheese, tofu, all kinds of sauces, especially Asian ones, three kinds of different milks ( cows milk, without lactose, vegan milk)……!

Whimsical Clay Hair Pins
Now for her wonderful clay work the image below is from the download and printable instructions.
For the download and PRINTABLE tutorial please click this link.-> Polka-Dot-Flower-Pin-AH PDF
To find out more about Anke Humpert
- Blog link: Anart Island http://h2u6a2n6a4.blogspot.com/
- Gallery link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26631217@N00/
- Website: www.anke-humpert.de
- Etsy Store: http://www.etsy.com/shop/anartisland
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[…] into beads because that’s how I go but they ARE adorable hairpins just as they are made in the tutorial. Anke, the artist, always has such a fun touch with her […]