Ric rac baby quilt
This quilt was inspired by one I had seen while perusing blogs one day. When I clicked on the link I was terribly disappointed to discover that it was a “mini” quilt (doll sized) but after studying it a bit longer I decided that I could probably make something similar in a much larger size. Out came the design notebook, ruler, and colored pencils. A little sketching and math calculations later and I had all I needed. The finished result turned out exactly like I had envisioned. I love it when that happens!
This quilt was made for a friend’s little boy, but I can’t wait to make another one for my own sweet son too.
This is stunning Fairlight! I loooove it!
I feel so honored to say that my little son was the recipient of this quilt. The hours/weeks of love and work that Fairlight put into this sweet quilt, make it beyond priceless to me. It is one of our families most cherished possessions and truly my very favorite boy quilt, ever, ever, ever… She’s insanely gifted and wonderful. Thank you again, dear lady! xo
No, doubt it is a cherished possession. It is keenly admired at our home.