Uncle Sam’s hat patriotic napkin rings are a fun addition to your 4th of July party. Bust out your crafting supplies and dig in your recycling bin for paper towel rolls and cereal boxes to make these nostalgic patriotic napkin rings. Uncle Sam hat patriotic napkin rings on bandanas are inexpensive and colorful. Create simple paper craft 4th of July table decorations on a budget. This is a project to have the kids help with and if they don’t know who Uncle Sam is then you can sneak in a history lesson too.

Here is a bit of Uncle Sam trivia from Wikipedia.
Uncle Sam is mentioned as early as 1775, in the original lyrics of “Yankee Doodle“, though it is not clear whether this reference is to Uncle Sam as a metaphor for
the United States, or to an actual person named Sam. The lyrics as a whole celebrate the military efforts of the young nation in besieging the British at Boston. The 13th stanza is:
Old Uncle Sam come there to change
Some pancakes and some onions,
For ‘lasses cakes, to carry home
To give his wife and young ones.
Supplies for Uncle Sam’s hat patriotic napkin rings
- Recycled cardboard tubes
- Recycled cereal box
- Wooden stars, 1″
- White cardstock
- DecoArt Americana Acrylic Paints: Ultra Blue Deep, Primary Red, Snow White
- Aleene’s Original Tacky Glue
- scissors, ruler, paintbrush, newspaper (to cover surface)

Instructions for patriotic napkin rings:
1. On covered work surface, measure and cut cardboard tubes into 2″ sections (for ring). Save paper towel tubes as they are the perfect size.
2. For hat brims, measure and trace 2-1/2″ circle on recycled cereal box. Trace 1-1/2″ on center of 2-1/2″ circle. Use a craft knife or utility scissors to cut out 1-1/2″ circle.
3. On covered work surface, paint half of ring and hat brims Ultra Blue Deep. Allow paint to drya and reapply if needed. Paint the wooden stars Primary Red and let dry. Position hat brim on hat and add tiny spots of glue.
4. Measure and cut six 1/4″x2-1/2″ strips (hat strip
es) and one 1/2″x6″ strip (hat band) from white cardstock.
5. Use black marker to outline hat stripes, hat band, and stars. The black really gives it good definition.
6. Glue hat stripes on hat and hat band above hat brim. Glue star on center of hat band.
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